Questions about our services?

People often ask the same questions when they come to one of our meetings, so here are some answers to help.

Why we meet? – We meet because we are part of God’s family, and we want to learn more about our creator, God, and express our worship to Him together.

What else might happen?

Prayer – During our praise and worship, we will often pray for the sick and needs of the people. We also want God to speak to us through certain spiritual gifts such as prophesy.

Breaking bread – ‘Breaking bread’ (or ‘Communion’ or the ‘Lords Supper’, as some people call it) is something we do because Jesus told us to. As we break and share the bread, drink the wine and pray together it reminds us of the significance of Jesus’ death – the broken bread reminds us of His body broken on the cross and the wine reminds us of His blood, He died so that we could be friends with God. This simple meal also reminds us of our covenant with God, made possible through Christ’s death and resurrection.

The talk – During our meetings we listen to someone giving a talk from the Bible – ‘the sermon’. This is very important to us, as the Bible is God’s written means of communication with us, helping us to understand how He thinks and what He likes, like a letter from our heavenly Father. The Bible is our handbook for life.

Service format – We recognize that Christians who visit or live here in Spain come from various denominational and cultural backgrounds; therefore, we aim to provide a flexible and relevant Sunday programme that will be both devotional and practical for all who choose to worship with us

How long is the service? – Typically about 90 minutes or so.

What about money? – You will see us collecting money at the end of the service. We call this an ‘offering’ – no one is obliged to give anything unless they want to offer it. Many people who are part of our church give by ‘tithing’ (‘tithe’ means a tenth) – regularly giving 10% of their income. Some of the money is used for general running costs of the church, for example to pay rent, insurances and software licences. Some of it is used for special projects, such as helping people in need in poorer countries or helping a specific person in need. We like to support (financially and via the foodbank) the Red Cross in Mojácar.

The sermons are usually recorded and can be viewed on our YouTube channel or Facebook page.