God’s redeeming power

by Susan Bilenkyj (in Costa Calida Chronicle, February 2024)

God’s redeeming power is portrayed throughout the Bible, and it is His way of communicating the amazing truth of the “rescue plan” He provided through His Son, for all mankind. It was always God’s plan from the beginning, for us to love and know Him personally and obtain eternal life. God sent a message of hope and said, “I love you!” by sacrificing His Son Jesus on the cross for us. 

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life”.

Everything Jesus did, He did it for us. Every miracle he performed, every temptation He fought. When He was flogged by the Roman soldiers, when the crowd screamed for his crucifixion, when he carried the cross, when the nails were hammered into His hands and feet, when He was hanging there on the cross for all the world to see – who was He thinking of – us!

Everything Jesus went through He had ‘us’ in mind. He wasn’t trying to prove anything and Jesus is still here today for anyone who wishes to experience His forgiving, redeeming power in their lives and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour; regardless of what they have done. Jesus died so we might live. He gave us free will to choose, because His love is totally unconditional.

Our redemption was a legal transaction where Jesus traded His life, for ours. The price for our redemption was His blood shed on the cross. Jesus took our place, stood in the gap for us and said, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this, I’m paying for this”.

You may not know Jesus, but He knows you.

You may not care about what Jesus did on the cross, but He cares all about you.

You may not even believe in Jesus, but He certainly believes in you.

God’s forgiveness and redeeming love is there for everyone, no conditions attached. You need only to reach out and say YES to His call on your life.